I decided that now was the time to go for it--to lose all the weight. I tried the program I used in 1980. That was my "smaller plate and no snacks" program. I used a salad plate for meals, filled it only once, and had no between meal snacks. I did drink sweetened herbal teas between meals. I started this in the summer and much of what I ate was from our large garden. I ate very little meat. Combined with 40 minutes of aerobic dance 6 days a week, this was a very successful program. However, in October 2006, it didn't seem to work for me, and caused even more nervous eating.
I decided to do a 1700-calorie max program. I allowed myself to eat anything I wanted, as long as I stayed within the 1700 calories. To provide some extra incentive, I rewarded myself with a penny for every calorie that I was under 1700. So, if I only ate 1500 calories, I earned $2.00.
This was a short-lived step in my program, but a very necessary one.
Net Weight loss for this step: 5.2 lbs.
Total weight loss: 46.2 lbs.
Still in the morbidly obese category
You can see from the chart, that I lost pretty steadily for about 2 weeks, then stalled out.

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