When Mormon retells the advance of the Lamanites about 51 B.C., he says, "but they had come into the center of the land, and had taken the capital city which was the city of Zarahemla, and were marching through the most capital parts of the land . . ." This doesn’t have to mean dead-center, but does require that Zarahemla not be a borderland.
Gideon is east of the river Sidon (Alma 6:7) and northward of Manti (Alma 17:1), with a city Gideon in the valley Gideon (Alma 6:7). Mormon is unclear as to whether this valley Gideon constitutes the whole of the land Gideon. It is a relatively young land, founded by Gideon after the return of Limhi’s people from NEPHI (Alma 6:7). Mormon's narrative in Alma 2-3 and Alma 6:7 suggest Gideon is across the river from Zarahemla.
Click here for a really good map that shows the river valleys on the east of the Rio Coco just north of Garrobo. This map gives another excellent view of this area. Manti would be in the general area of Neuva Segovia and extending into Honduras, with Gideon extending from Bocay southward.
look at a real map and you will notice that Book of Mormon "north" is really west. Your map is directionally skewed. Don't you think that is a little misleading?
I haven't the faintest idea what you are talking about. The map I used is a legitimate map with correct directional layout.
marlene- I stand corrected. I am used to seeing Sorenson's skewed map.
Zelph, thanks for the acknowledgement.
Do you have a specific city in mind for Zarahemla. I am in the process of writing a book comparing all the Zarahemla candidates that I can find. please conntact me so i can discuss your Zarahemla candidate more thoroughly.
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