I bought another 30-gallon tote and experimented to see if I could put the tomato cages I have into the totes so they are secured to the side. I drilled holes in each side of the tote for two of the cage prongs to go through, and put the other prong through the open handle. I will secure the prongs to the sides of the tote by drilling my holes and using zip ties to hold them. That will make the cages very securely attached to the tote. In these totes, I will be able to get a tomato cage at each end. They will be for my cantaloupe and watermelon plants. I will put a plant in each cage and for the cantaloupes, I will put another one in the center between the cages. I'll let the vines crawl up the cage.

I'll use the same concept for my tomato totes -- I'll put one of the indeterminate plants in each of three 18-gallon totes. I will also put Tiny Tim dwarf tomatoes in one of the 18-gallon totes. I'll get smaller cages for them. I think I'll put 3 of the tiny tims in that tote. tiny tim Dwarf tomato
I plan to use Bush Sugar Baby's for one of my watermelon plants. I haven't decided on the other one yet. I'll see what CaliKim suggests as well as others who do container gardens. Blacktail Mountain is the other watermelon variety that she grows. Blacktail mountain watermelons
I'll take a picture tomorrow of the patio with all of the totes in place to put up here on the blog. I have used every possible inch of my patio and I will be growing my favorites -- tomatoes, strawberries, cantaloupes and watermelons. I am so anxious to have a garden again next year.
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